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Wangũ Joy


Wangũ Joy is a strategy consultant focused on economic recovery across Africa. Her work involves close collaboration with government bodies, private sector firms, and development organizations to drive economic growth and resilience. By integrating innovative strategies and fostering partnerships, she plays a crucial role in shaping sustainable economic policies. 

Wangũ’s commitment extends beyond typical consultancy. She is a staunch advocate for local leadership and entrepreneurship, believing in the transformative power of African-led initiatives. Her efforts support local enterprises, vital for achieving lasting economic stability and self-reliance on the continent. Her approach is comprehensive; she not only tackles current economic issues but also prepares the groundwork for long-term success. Wangũ envisions a future where African stories and solutions lead to prosperity and innovation. Her work is a testament to her belief in the continent's potential to forge its path forward.


Episodes featuring Wangũ Joy