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Joy Okello (Jam) and Iman Mueke (Zest) are the formidable duo behind Jam & Zest Co., a production company that helps their clients bring creative campaigns to life.

Joy Okello or ‘Joy Oww’ as she is known, considers herself a catalyst and disruptor. A force for good, Joy is known for impacting spaces and people she meets for the better. With over 14 years’ experience in Brand Communication- with a career spanning from Public Relations, Advertising and now Audio-Visual Production.

Iman Mueke is proof that there is room in this world for all our passions. An award-winning film producer, commercial model, PR & Communications Manager, Mentor, Entrepreneur are some of the few hats that she wears. In the words of Audre Lorde, Iman is ‘deliberate and afraid of nothing’. She is inspiring and makes things happen infusing those around her with energy that empowers them to dream big and believe that anything we set our minds to is possible.She is currently the first and only Kenyan female creative to be chosen by Netflix "Grow Creative" training program to line produce a Netflix Original in South Africa

Jam & Zest Co.